3Any creature that makes a successful DC 35 Craft (traps) check while manipulating the music box can rig the device to play in reverse once. In this way, a bard can learn the Song of Extinction masterpiece, but backwards. Performing this reverse version of the Song of Extinction causes the music box to implode, but also kills the performer. The performer cannot be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention.0strong000

Song Of Extinction (Major Artifact)

Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th
Slot none; Weight 3 lbs.


Winding this music box causes it to play a haunting, 30-second-long melody. However, a bard can learn this tune as though it were a masterpiece (Ultimate Magic 21). When performed by a bard, the tune becomes the Song of Extinction masterpiece (see below). Once per week, as a standard action, the wielder can command the music box to perform the Song of Extinction masterpiece itself, affecting all within range except the bearer. After being used in this way, the music box cannot be reactivated in any way for 1 week.


Any creature that makes a successful DC 35 Craft (traps) check while manipulating the music box can rig the device to play in reverse once. In this way, a bard can learn the Song of Extinction masterpiece, but backwards. Performing this reverse version of the Song of Extinction causes the music box to implode, but also kills the performer. The performer cannot be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention.

-20NULL0Song Of Extinction0Artifact00013 lbs.0none-101020strong transmutation000Artifacts & LegendsWinding this music box causes it to play a haunting, 30-second-long melody. However, a bard can learn this tune as though it were a masterpiece (Ultimate Magic 21). When performed by a bard, the tune becomes the Song of Extinction masterpiece (see below). Once per week, as a standard action, the wielder can command the music box to perform the Song of Extinction masterpiece itself, affecting all within range except the bearer. After being used in this way, the music box cannot be reactivated in any way for 1 week.