
Profane Seal Signet

Aura faint abjuration, enchantment, and universal; CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 3,000 gp; Weight -


This ring is made of red gold with a single ruby cut into a pentagon shape. It functions as a ring of protection +1. In addition, the wearer may use arcane mark at will, but only on objects and willing creatures. Once per day, the wearer may use wrathAPG .


Requirements Forge Ring, arcane mark, shield of faith, wrathAPG , creator must be at least 3rd level; Cost 1,500 gp
150000Forge Ring, arcane mark, shield of faith, wrathAPG , creator must be at least 3rd level0NULL1500Profane Seal Signet0Ring0300000-0ring30000005faint abjuration, enchantment, and universal111Inner Sea GodsThis ring is made of red gold with a single ruby cut into a pentagon shape. It functions as a ring of protection +1. In addition, the wearer may use arcane mark at will, but only on objects and willing creatures. Once per day, the wearer may use wrathAPG .