
Figurine Of Wondrous Power, Basalt Dragon

Aura strong transmutation; CL 20th
Slot none; Price 60,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


This fist-sized, carved dragon is sculpted from volcanic rock. It becomes either a pseudodragon or a flame drake (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 106), depending on the command word used. The transformation can take place twice per day, with a maximum duration of 2 continuous hours. The pseudodragon can use its telepathy to communicate with its owner over any distance, but not across planes.

By expending one use of mythic power, the user of the figurine can instead transform the figurine into a young red dragon. If the user is at least 5th tier, she can instead expend two uses of mythic power to transform the figurine into an adult red dragon. If the user is at least 9th tier, she can instead expend four uses of mythic power to transform the figurine into an ancient red dragon. Transforming the figurine into a true dragon renders the figurine powerless for 1 week after the transformation ends.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, animate objects, form of the dragon III, telepathic bond; Cost 30,000 gp
3000000Craft Wondrous Item, Mythic Crafter, animate objects, form of the dragon III, telepathic bond0NULL30000Figurine Of Wondrous Power, Basalt Dragon0Wondrous Item060000001 lb.0none6000001020strong transmutation000Mythic AdventuresThis fist-sized, carved dragon is sculpted from volcanic rock. It becomes either a pseudodragon or a flame drake (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 106), depending on the command word used. The transformation can take place twice per day, with a maximum duration of 2 continuous hours. The pseudodragon can use its telepathy to communicate with its owner over any distance, but not across planes. By expending one use of mythic power, the user of the figurine can instead transform the figurine into a young red dragon. If the user is at least 5th tier, she can instead expend two uses of mythic power to transform the figurine into an adult red dragon. If the user is at least 9th tier, she can instead expend four uses of mythic power to transform the figurine into an ancient red dragon. Transforming the figurine into a true dragon renders the figurine powerless for 1 week after the transformation ends.