0Shades00shadow-1-1-11 standard action0V, S0yes; see text0-10see text-1Shadow (18)000sorcerer/wizard 9PFRPG Core0As shadow conjuration, but up to 8th level and 80% real.010-1-10001-1This spell functions like shadow conjuration, except that it mimics conjuration spells of 8th level or lower. The illusory conjurations created deal four-fifths (80%) damage to nonbelievers, and nondamaging effects are 80% likely to work against nonbelievers.00shadow00see text-10-1see text


School illusion (shadow) [shadow]; Level sorcerer/wizard 9


Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S


Range see text
Effect see text
Duration see text
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); varies; see text; Spell Resistance yes; see text


This spell functions like shadow conjuration, except that it mimics conjuration spells of 8th level or lower. The illusory conjurations created deal four-fifths (80%) damage to nonbelievers, and nondamaging effects are 80% likely to work against nonbelievers.

Shades-100909-1-1Shadow (19)illusion-100-1-10-100-19-11-1-1-1NULLDarkness (9)Will disbelief (if interacted with); varies; see text0-100

This spell functions like shadow conjuration, except that it mimics conjuration spells of 8th level or lower. The illusory conjurations created deal four-fifths (80%) damage to nonbelievers, and nondamaging effects are 80% likely to work against nonbelievers.
